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The game functions much like other RTS games; the player must manage an army taking control of economy and unit production. How BFME differs from other RTS titles is that buildings can only be built on set points, called plots; sites for building structures already exist and are scattered around the map. These range from settlements (1 resource collector), outposts (citadel, three building points), camps (citadel, 6 building points, small wall segments (Rohan and Gondor only) and 7 defensive build plots (Gondor camps have 4 defensive plots and a wall segment encompassing the entire camp), to a full fledged castle (citadel, 8 build plots (Rohan gets 7, Gondor gets 9) and about a dozen defensive plots). In line with the trend in recent RTS games, units train in battalions/hordes, except for powerful troops (e.g. Mordor trolls, Rohan Ents, Isengard berserkers) which are brought into play individually. Economy is managed generally by building farms (Good side) also Gondor can build blacksmiths to both upgrade troops and accumulate resources; slaughterhouses, lumber mills and furnaces (Evil side) on the predefined slots to gain resources. There are also upgrades and special powers to increase the speed of obtaining resources (Gondor can build a marketplace to receive money faster from its resource collectors, Isengard and Mordor can purchase abilities with their powerpoints). Each production building reduces the cost of either upgrades or the production of certain troops (Gondor blacksmith-cheaper upgrades; Gondor/Rohan farm-cheaper cavalry; Isengard/Mordor slaughterhouse-cheaper Isengard wargs, cheaper Mordor trolls and mûmakil; Isengard/Mordor Furnace-Cheaper upgrades and siege weapons; also note Gondor/Rohan statues reduce cost of Heroes, and Gondor/Rohan healing wells reduce cost of units).
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