Meanwhile, the Necromancer Arantir is driven by his master Asha (who is the goddess of order) to fight against the demonic corruption in the Haven cities. He meets up with a novice Dark Knight named Ornella, introduced to him by Giovanni the vampire. With Ornella, now turned into a Necromancer, at his side, Arantir sets out towards the city of Flammschrein, the holy city which has been desecrated by the demon Orlando. After killing Orlando, Arantir visits the graves of Flammshrein where he frees a fragment of the true Queen Isabel's soul. Upon doing so, the succubus impostor who had been taking the place of the queen is revealed and she is forced to take over the city. Biara (the Succubus) uses the Heart of the Griffin, an artifact that sends demons to their hell, as a portal to the Haven city after having corrupted the Heart of the Griffin by means of a dark ritual. Arantir also meets with the Orcs and arranges an alliance via the Orc shaman Kujin after learning that Biara killed the heir to the Griffin Empire, Alexei.
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Tribes of The East feature many previous bugfixes and improvements to the gameplay itself, left undone since the release of Hammers of Fate. Also, new features have been added. The primary attention of the developers has been put on the following game content:
- A new faction was added to the game: the Stronghold. Moreover, an additional upgrade was added to all dwellings, which acts as the alternate upgrades of Heroes IV. The player is, however, able to choose between the two upgrades whenever a type of concerned creatures is being hired.
- including Rune Magic and Might abilities. New spells have been added with the intent of rebalancing the combat and adding more content to the gameplay. The options for in-game and combat modes have a slight redesign for new settings, such as the creature's health change indicator and life bar span.
- The map editor is redefined to support campaign creator and feasible to support the previous versions of game maps along with expanded terrain and texture creation possibilities. Model editor for the standalone product only can also be part of the game package upon release.
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