Fifa 2007 Cheats

Here's how to earn some easy money in the manager mode

play a season in the manager mode.........then at the point where it's the
last match of the season--->
1) save and backup the career..and then play the last will
proceed to the next season!!

2) Now as soon as the new season starts.....go to the transfer market....
go to the Search Players all leagues...all teams... all
players(available for transfer and others as well) when the search
results display, highlight(select) the price coloumn and sort by ascending..
Now you will find a lotta players with 0 Transfer Fee (free transfer players)
purchase all the players with stats of 80 and above!!

3)once you sign these can either keep them or re-sell them for
a good amount of money!! usually players with stats of 80 and above and ages
between 20 and 30 transfer for atleast 10 million (i sold Nilmar for 76 Million
, Rooney for 90 Million and Ronaldinho for 102 Million....and bought them back
on free transfers within the next 2-3 transfer windows)

4)In case you do not get good players...use the backup save game..replay
the last match of the previous season and then the player lists will be
regenrated again!!

Move your player a bit in the direction opposite to the one you intend
taking the kick in....... Now Press Lob/Slide Button + Shoot + direction
arrow(without up or down)and let the shot-meter fill just a little more
than half and Shoot

Easy goals:
If you have the ball and are outside the area but not on your half, you can
check on the map how far the keeper is off his line. Normally he is about
two meters. You can lob him easily if you get the power correct.

Easy money:
No matter what team you are in Manager mode, buy the best free agents in
the transfer market. Sell them during the same transfer market window so
you do not have to pay the high salary. Because they are free to you, once
you sell them you can get the added millions to your bank account.


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