In 1945 New Mexico, a bomb explodes, engulfing a town and revealing a strange structure, from which a winged creature flies out. In 1996, Lara Croft is approached by Larson, who introduces her to Jacqueline Natla, who wishes for Lara to find a piece of an artefact called the Scion, located in Peru. Lara agrees to go. In the Lost Valley, Lara finds a tomb belonging to a god king Qualopec. She discovers that he was one of three God Kings (the Triumvirate) who ruled Atlantis before it fell beneath the waves. As Lara reaches towards Qualopec's corpse, a Mummy like creature attempts to attack her, but falls dead at her feet. Lara quickly exits with the Scion, but finds Larson ready to take it from her. After fighting him, Lara discovers that Natla has sent another archaeologist to find the next piece, in Greece. She also travels there to get it before he does.After a brief encounter with Pierre Dupont, the other archaeologist, Lara races against him to find the next piece. On finding the tomb of Tihocan (the second Triumvirate), Pierre catches up with her and attempts to get Qualopec's piece of the Scion off her - he already has Tihocan's. But he is attacked by two centaurs who then turn on Lara. After defeating them, Lara puts the pieces together and has a vision about the final piece being in Egypt. After getting the final Scion piece and adding it to the other two, Lara has a much clearer vision about the three Triumvirates, one of whom is Natla herself. Natla tried to rush the Seventh Age by turning Atlantis' own armies against it, and was expelled from the order, then trapped in the crystalline structure seen at the beginning.

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