It is the second multiplayer-focused game in the Quake series (after Quake III Arena). Quake Wars features similar gameplay to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but with the addition of controllable vehicles and aircraft as well as multiple AI deployables, asymmetric teams, much larger maps and the option of computer-controlled bots. Unlike the previous Enemy Territory game, Quake Wars is a commercial release rather than a free download. Quake Wars is a class-based, objective focused, team-oriented game. Teams are based on Human (GDF) and alien (Strogg) technology. While the teams are asymmetrical both sides have the same basic weapons and tools to complete objectives. Unlike other team-based online games (such as the Battlefield series) the game play is much more focused on one or two main objectives at once vs spread all over the combat area. This allows for much more focused and intense combat situations, similar to the original Unreal Tournament assault mode. Each player class from each side normally has new objectives show up during game play, many times based around the specific capabilities of your class

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