The case comes before the symbionts that captures almost all of Manhattan, which, in the literal sense of the word - buildings and skyscrapers are catch in the thick black "spider's web". The Government quickly evacuate people and closing the island into quarantine - to join Spider-Man, and other supergeroi ... superzlodei. Yes, we are now allowed to choose for themselves in the company not only positive but also negative characters - from this will depend on the style passing game and the reaction of other mutants on the main character. SpiderMan Web of Shadows himself as Spider-Man learned many new techniques and not brezguet vest in the black suit - only to save the world, of course. Switch between naryadami will be on the fly, thus forging daedal combos. The costume, incidentally, is now not only provides additional strength and tactics, but also suck out the vital energy that is necessary to restore the battle with the enemy. So, for balance, for flights to the city and rapid movements will prefer the old robe - developers severely "cut" from the black image speed and possession of spider's web.
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