Diablo 2 Full Download

Diablo II, sequel to the game Diablo, is a dark fantasy-themed action role-playing game in a hack and slash and "dungeon roaming" style. It was released for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS in 2000 by Blizzard Entertainment, and was developed by Blizzard North.Diablo 2
The player assumes the role of a hero, fighting monsters while traversing over land and through dungeons. The storyline of Diablo II is played through four acts. Each act follows a predetermined path with preselected quests, although some quests are optional. Players fight monsters to level their character up and gain better items. Battle is conducted in real-time from an isometric viewpoint. Each act culminates with the destruction of a boss monster, upon which the player proceeds to the next act. Diablo II mode, it resets every time the game is restarted. In add randomly generates many monster properties, level lay-outs and item drops. Most of the maps themselves are randomly generated. In single player mode, the map is randomly generated but locks the setting thereafter; in multiplayerition to the four acts there are three difficulty levels: Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. A character must complete these difficulty levels in order; only once a character completes Normal difficulty can that character play at Nightmare difficulty, and similarly for Hell difficulty.Diablo 2 Each difficulty is a greater challenge than the last, with such features as increased creature strength, experience penalties upon death, and other challenges. A character retains all abilities, equipment, etc, between difficulties and may return to earlier difficulties at any time. Upon completion of the game in Normal difficulty, a player may create a hardcore character. While with normal softcore characters the player can resurrect their character if killed and resume playing. A hardcore character only has one life and if killed, will be permanently dead and unplayable, losing everything.

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