Age of Empires 3 [ AOE 3 ] is a real-time strategy game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Released on October 18, 2005 in North America, and on November 4 of the same year in Europe, it is the third title of the Age of Empires series, and the sequel to Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. The game portrays the European colonization of the Americas, between approximately AD 1500 and 1850. Eight European civilizations are playable.Age of Empires III has made a number of innovations in the series, as well as the RTS genre, in particular with the addition of the Home City, which combines real-time strategy and role-playing game features. Two expansion packs were released: the first, Age of Empires III: The War Chiefs, was released on October 17, 2006, and introduced three Native North American civilizations; the second, Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties, was released on October 23, 2007, and included three Asian civilizations.
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Game Play:
Players begin with a constructed town center or a wagon, an explorer and several settlers. The exact terrain of the map, position of opponents, native tribes and trade posts is obscured. Teammates, if any, are exposed, allowing you to see what they can, and vise-versa. Players explore the map and begin gathering resources (Food, Coin or Wood) which are spent to build additional units and buildings and to research upgrades or technologies. Actions such as training units, constructing buildings, killing enemy units etc earn the player experience points. At certain experience point thresholds, players earn shipment cards that may be turned in for shipments from the players Home City, which can include units, an upgrade, or resources. The game progresses like any real time strategy until one side resigns or is eliminated. Elimination occurs when all of a player's units and unit-producing structures are destroyed. There are three modes of game play: story-based campaigns, single player skirmishes (conflicts between teams), and online multiplayer skirmishes. Multiplayer matches can be played through the bundled Ensemble Studios Online (ESO) utility included in the game or via a direct LAN or IP connection. Buildings play a major role in gameplay, they are used for training civilian and military units, researching improvements, supporting population, providing structural defense or as resource providers.
Home Cities:
Age of Empires III is the first game in the series to introduce the Home City Concept. The Home City functions as a second city, a powerhouse that is separated from the active game. It cannot be attacked or destroyed, although an Imperial Age upgrade called Blockade stops the player's opponents from receiving Home City shipments. Similar to a role-playing game character, the Home City is persistent between games, meaning that upgrades gained through separate games can be applied and stay applied for as long as that particular city exists (cities only cease to exist when they are deleted by the player from the game menu). Multiple Home Cities can be created and maintained, although each Home City supports only one civilization.The Home City is made up of five main buildings from which the player chooses their new shipment cards and customizations: The New World Trading Company, the Military Academy, the Cathedral, the Manufacturing Plant and the Harbor.
Age of Empires III was well received by critics and reviewers. The game received an average score of 86%, Age of Empires III was listed as the eighth best-selling PC game of 2005, and over two million copies of it had been sold by May 2007. The game's visuals were highly praised by all reviewers. In a preview, IGN said that "After seeing the screenshots, our jaws hit the floor at the amount of detail," while in their review, 1UP described it as "one of the most beautiful games you will put on your computer for the foreseeable future". The game was presented with two awards by GameSpy in 2005: 'Real-time strategy game of the year' and 'Best Graphics'. It was also given an 'honorable mention' in the 'Best Music' category. GameSpy was highly praising of the game overall, giving it 5 stars in its review, which was particularly positive about the graphics and multiplayer experience. The game was named 5th best game of 2005 by GameSpy. In December 2006, the Governor of Texas chose Age of Empires III as his "featured game of the month."
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